Plan your seamless transfer from bbin信誉网站 using the many 规划指南 we have with four-year colleges and universities. 这些协议 & 特殊的程序 tab includes guaranteed and dual admission programs, special scholarships and more.
Have you chosen your major but don’t know where to transfer? 考虑下面的指南,并了解更多关于您的选择 探索高校 & 大学. 你也可以用……开始你的学习 样本转移计划 当你决定去哪里转车时.
BHC career students also may consider transferring. 我们在 从职业项目转学.
主要 列: Click to view a guide or a college’s major planning page. While there isn’t a Planning Guide for every possible major, 您可以查看我们转学合作伙伴提供的所有专业(点击学校名称) 大学/学院列). 然后和你的导师一起制定一个可以遵循的教育计划.
在线完成可用栏:“X”表示该专业转学后可在线完成. Many of these majors are also taught face-to-face. 有关选择在线转学课程的指导,请参阅 在线学位指南(PDF).
协议 & 特殊的程序
协议和特别项目: Click on “View info” for basic benefits and qualifications, then open the program link for how to participate!
我们的转学合作伙伴提供了许多额外的奖学金机会,所以一定要来参观 探索高校也.
大学/学院列: 点击学校名称进入转学录取网站.
大学/学院 | 协议 & 特殊的程序 |
奥古斯塔纳学院 | 奥古斯塔纳可能 Financial aid program that meets 100% of demonstrated financial need toward direct costs of tuition, 费用, housing and meals for qualifying newly enrolled students.
Augustana NEXT Dual Admission 清晰度协议 尽早接触奥古斯塔纳的顾问、教师、校园设施和活动.
芝加哥哥伦比亚大学 | Guaranteed Transfer Admission Program & 奖学金 保证被哥伦比亚大学录取 文学学士学位课程.
东伊利诺伊大学 | 豹的承诺 Guaranteed admission program to the university to complete a bachelor’s degree after earning an Associate in 艺术s or Associate in Science degree (choice of major not guaranteed).
伊利诺斯公立大学 | 全额资助学杂费. The AIM HIGH 奖学金 program is a pilot program by the State of Illinois to encourage Illinois students to attend an in-state university, 提高大学负担能力, 减少学生贷款债务. 奖学金填补了费用和其他财政援助来源之间的缺口.
伊利诺斯州立大学 | 红雀的承诺 Guaranteed admission program to the university to complete a bachelor’s degree after earning an Associate in 艺术s or Associate in Science degree (choice of major not guaranteed).
爱荷华州立大学 | 社区学院伙伴关系 Successful completion of an Associate in 艺术s degree allows students to transfer with junior status, having met all first-year and sophomore-level general education requirements for programs in the College of Liberal 艺术s and Sciences (CLAS) and Ivy College of 业务.
路易斯大学 | 生物过渡计划 在生物系修完一门专业的三年奖学金,最高可达10,000美元. Must first be accepted for admission to the university.
国立路易斯大学 | 清晰度协议 For the AAS and AA degrees approved in the agreement, NLU保证录取相关学士学位课程.
社区学院合作伙伴计划 bbin信誉网站的全职员工有资格享受NLU课程的15%折扣. 可能会有一些程序例外.
直奔成功计划 & 奖学金 一个专注于职业, 为社区学院转学生提供负担得起的支持学士学位途径. A scholarship equal to 25% of total tuition.
社区英雄奖学金 适用于本科和研究生学位课程的总学费*的15%. *For military students, tuition rates vary based on program. 英雄是:
北伊利诺伊大学 | 保证入学协议 Guaranteed admission to the university to complete a bachelor’s degree (choice of major not guaranteed). Receive NIU academic advising prior to transfer.
帕尔默按摩学院 | Chiropractic 衔接协议(PDF) Follow the AS degree curriculum in the agreement to complete the first two years of the Bachelor of Science in General Science (B.S.G.S.).
St. 安布罗斯大学 | 衔接协议(PDF) 文科副学士或理科副学士学位.平均绩点为0,满足本校通识教育的大部分要求.
bbin信誉网站奖学金 Up to $20,000 per year of undergraduate studies at SAU. For students transferring directly from BHC to SAU.
双录取计划 & 奖学金 获得转学建议和早期转学入学指导计划. 收到一个St. 安布罗斯学生证允许访问SAU活动,俱乐部,事件和设施. 在SAU开始全日制学习时,有资格获得1,000美元的奖学金.
保证入学协议(PDF) Guaranteed admission to the university to complete a bachelor’s degree (choice of major not guaranteed).
Southern Illinois University Carbondale | Saluki Step Ahead Online Program and 奖学金 (SSAOP) Upon meeting SIUC’s transfer admission requirements, automatic admission to the university and to specific 100% online completion majors in 会计, 工商管理, 犯罪学, 和医疗保健管理.
圣三一学院 | 保证入学伙伴关系 & 奖学金(PDF) Guaranteed admission to the university to complete a bachelor’s degree (choice of major not guaranteed).
伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校 (UIC) University of Illinois Springfield (UIS) University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
转让担保 保证被学生选择的伊利诺伊大学录取, though not to a specific college or major.
伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校 | 护理: RN to BSN / Dual Admission Pathway 双录取途径适用于当前的高中学生, current BHC 副学士护理学 students, 及在职注册护士. BSN完成计划100%在线,并在莫林当地提供支持服务.
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | Transfer Admission Agreement – College of ACES (农业, Consumer and Environmental Sciences) 保证被UIUC和ace学院录取(不保证特定专业).
爱荷华大学 | 衔接协议信(PDF) A completed Associate in 艺术s degree meets all general education requirements for the College of Liberal 艺术s and Sciences, 教育学院, 蒂皮商学院, 及大学学院. 学生仍然必须满足各自学院的世界语言要求, and Diversity and Inclusion requirement.
University of Wisconsin – Platteville | 学费的优势 Provides a discount on out-of-state tuition for eligible new freshmen and transfer students from Illinois and Iowa. It is offered only at the UW-Platteville campus and also does not apply to students in fully online programs. This scholarship is guaranteed for students who meet eligibility criteria and requires no additional application. |
西伊利诺伊大学 | 转学承诺奖学金 每年2500美元奖励给符合条件的转学生(Macomb, QC或在线).
NOTE: bbin信誉网站 presents the information above as a service for our students and every effort is made to keep current. 学生 should confirm program availability, benefits and requirements with the transfer school.